Sarah Priyanka, Founder
My passion for organizing began as a young child, placing items into their rightful place to ease another person’s tasks or duties.
Spending time at grandma’s house meant sitting in her sewing room, sorting her colored embroidery thread into different zip-lock bags and putting sets of mis-matched buttons into their own compartments. At home, I spent time in the garage, using the label maker to create tags for boxes of screws and nails and later transitioning to the kitchen to match Tupperware lids with their bases. As an adult, I continue my passion for organization as I assist friends sort through clothing, gently help them let go of keepsakes, and help them decide how to organize their belongings.
Over the past year I focused my masters research on working with a core group of individuals, guiding them through the process of decluttering, organizing, and re-imagining their space. The research study sought to understand how the organization of an employee’s physical workspace in their home setting can have an impact on their productivity, engagement, physical well-being, and mental well-being.